A2 Hosting Test Website

This domain is purchased by HostingPill.com
to measure uptime & speed of A2’s shared hosting servers.

A2 Hosting Uptime Score

From August 2021, we have started to monitor this website through Better Uptime.

bluehost history

Complete Uptime Stats & Response times can be found here.

From August 2019 to July 2021, we used HyperPing to monitor this website.

bluehost history

From August 2018 to July 2019, we used Pingdom to monitor this website.

a2 uptime aug2018 to aug2019
a2 hostory

A2 Uptime Score

July 2018

99.99% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 1 minute during this period.

June 2018

99.50% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 50 minutes during this period.

May 2018

99.79% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 21 minutes during this period.

April 2018
A2hosting-April-Uptime99.59% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 41 minutes during this period.
March 2018
A2hosting-March-Uptime99.77% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 23 minutes during this period.
Feb. 2018
A2 hosting feb. uptime score99.98% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 2 minutes during this period.
Jan. 2018
A2hosting_jan-uptime-score99.97% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 3 minutes during this period.
December 2017
A2Hosting-Dec.99.97% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 3 minutes during this period.
November 2017
A2Hosting99.97% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 3 minutes during this period.
October 2017
A2Hosting oct99.98% uptime score .
Test website went down
for 2 minutes during this period.
September 2017
A2hosting-updated99.90% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 10 minutes during this period.
August 2017
A2hosting uptime99.93% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 7 minutes during this period.
July 2017
A2Hostinguptime99.76% uptime score.
Test website went down
for 24 minutes during this period.